If coefficient of performance of a refrigarator is $\beta $ and heat absorbed from refrigarated space is $Q$, then work done on the system is
$\beta Q$
$\left( {1 + \beta } \right)Q$
$\frac{Q}{\beta }$
$\frac{Q}{{\beta - 1}}$
$P-V$ diagram of an ideal gas is as shown. Find work done by the gas in $ABCD$ process
The coefficient of apparent expansion of mercury in a glass vessel is $153 \times 10^{-6}/\,^oC$ and in a steel vessel is $144 \times 10^{-6}/\,^oC$. If $\alpha $ for steel is $12 \times 10^{-6}/\,^oC$, then $\alpha $ that of glass is
An ideal monoatomic gas is taken round the cycle $ABCDA$ as shown in following $P-V$ diagram. The work done during the cycle is
$P-V$ plots for two gases during adiabatic process are shown in the figure. Plots $(1)$ and $(2)$ corresponds respectively to
If a bimetallic strip is heated, it will